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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Simple Ways to Avoid Gingivitis and Other Diseases of the Mouth

The most important measure to take in practicing good oral health is to never ignore plaque build-up, tooth pain, or gum disease/gingivitis. If appropriate measures are not taken, then you could develop any one of a number of major dental diseases. Visiting the dentist annually is the best way to prevent any type of oral hygiene problems. If specific mouth issues are found in the early stages, then there are treatments or medications that can be used effectively, such as antibiotics.

Annual dental cleanings will help remove the plaque buildup that is you are not always able to remove with a toothbrush and toothpaste. During the rest of the year, the common rule is to brush after every meal and to floss frequently. However, this is not always possible for those individuals that try to maintain busy schedules. In this case, brushing twice a day, morning and night, followed by flossing and rinsing with mouthwash can help prevent future diseases or problems.

Brushing is required to remove tartar than can build in places that you cannot see, as well as between your teeth. With medical science increasing at a rapid rate, it is very possible to cure a disease if it is diagnosed during its earlier stage. Only you can take the necessary steps to be consciously aware and knowledgeable about your body and your mouth. Always check for spots and any other signs that you could have a serious condition. It is important that you remember that a diagnosis that is too late could lead to dangerous side effects.
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Gum Disease - A Serious Mouth Infection

Gum disease is a very serious mouth infection that, left untreated, can lead to serious long-term health complications. This includes tooth loss and severe periodontitis, both of which are very difficult to treat. Gum disease initially develops slowly, as the gums, bones, and surrounding tissues in the mouth become inflamed. Because of the slow development at early stages, self-diagnosis is extremely difficult - by the time you notice a problem, the disease may have already moved into an advanced stage.

 The development of gum disease usually starts when plaque bacteria has remained on your teeth for a period of time, and begin to inflame the gum area. At first, your gums become sensitive and may appear swollen, and they may bleed easily when brushing your teeth. Dental professionals refer to this type of gum disease as gingivitis, and it is typically caused by a lack of proper mouth care.

Individuals who brush at least twice daily and floss regularly will very rarely develop this type of gum disease - but left untreated, gingivitis can lead to periodontitis, a severe stage of gum disease. Periodontitis is caused when plaque develops and spreads below the gum line, which causes the plaque to release a toxin inside your mouth.

This toxin will irritate the gums and result in a chronic inflammation of the mouth. As the inflammation progresses, the teeth and gums will begin to separate, causing pockets to appear between the teeth and gums. These are highly susceptible to infection, and any teeth which are affected during this stage will be lost - especially as the surrounding tissues that are supposed to support the teeth break down at this stage. Avoiding gum disease can only occur with regular, proper preventative oral care.

Visiting the dentist annually and receiving regular cleanings will assist with diagnosis of any early signs of gum disease, and it is also beneficial to be aware of what you're putting into your mouth on a daily basis. A healthy diet is an excellent tool for maintaining good dental health, and avoiding the consumption of an excessive amount of alcohol is also recommended.

Tobacco products will greatly increase your chances of developing gum disease, but it should be remembered that gum disease can be treated if caught at an early stage. However, it is up to the individual to practice proper preventative oral care.
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Mouth Diseases and Complications - Periodontitis

Periodontal disease or periodontitis is commonly noticed in young or middle-aged people. The disease begins with red and bleeding gums. Subsequently, the teeth get bare. If the disease is in advanced stage, there is purulent secretion with an unpleasant smell coming from the teeth. Periodontal disease is a process of destruction of the periodontal structures due to the change of the epithelium of the gums and disease of the tooth tissues. Periodontitis affects the loco-held apparatus of the teeth.

The basis of the dystrophic process of the gingival epithelium is the reaction of the body, seeking to prevent the spread of available infection. Dystrophic changes lead to shaking and loss of the teeth. The analysis of the development, construction and operation of the periodontium shows that when there is deficient functioning of the teeth, the protective tissue that is released in the oral cavity between the end of the enamel of the teeth and the layer of epithelial cells stagnates.

 The result is a process of formation of mineral crystals in the saliva whose amount subsequently increases. Tartar begins destroying the tissues of the tooth and thus begins an inflammatory process and development of periodontal disease (periodontitis). The impaired integrity of the basal membrane of the epithelial tissue of the gum, enamel and the dentin becomes a gateway for the entry of pathogen microorganisms. As a result of this, the inflammatory process leads to serious dystrophic changes in the tissues of the gums.

The gum pulls out and baring of teeth to the root can be observed. An alveolar pocket forms, in which tartar is located and granulose tissue expands. When an x-ray picture is made, you can see unilateral or bilateral thinning of the bone membranes of the teeth. The process covers only certain teeth. There is a strong shaking of the affected teeth. If not treated properly, the disease can lead to loss of the teeth.

The special feature of this process is that when there is loss of the tooth, the gum tissue heals and closes the wound. Periodontitis is considered to occur due to traumatic factors like: presence of tartar, improper healing of dental caries, placing of crowns and others, improper alignment of the teeth, abnormal contact between the teeth and etc.

 All these can lead to trauma of the periodontium when chewing or collecting food in the interdental spaces. In order to prevent the occurrence of this and many other diseases of the teeth and mouth you should take proper care of your oral hygiene. You should never forget to brush your teeth at least twice a day, to use appropriate toothpaste and toothbrush, to use also dental floss and to visit your dentist at least twice a year, not only when you have any complaints.
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Thursday, July 1, 2010

An overview of foot-and-mouth disease

Foot-and-mouth disease is an extremely contagious viral disease of cloven-hooved animals such as cattle, pigs, sheep, and deer. The disease is not commonly fatal, but causes extreme production losses in affected herds. Clinical signs of the disease include lameness, excessive salivation, reluctance to eat, abortion and blister-like erosions on the mouth and feet. Affected animals are debilitated and may not recover to their original production levels.The disease has long been recognized as one of the most economically devastating diseases of livestock.

The virus is easily transmitted through direct contact between animals or indirectly through the movement of contaminated vehicles, shoes, clothing, or food. The virus can survive in the environment for up to a month.Humans do not get the disease and it does not affect food safety. The last outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in the United States was in 1929. Since that time it has remained a foreign animal disease. The disease occurs regularly in some countries in Africa, the Middle East, and South America.

Foot in Mouth Disease - How to Extricate Your Pedal Extremity From Your Oral Cavity

Why has foot-and-mouth been in the news recently?

Recently Great Britain has experienced an outbreak of the disease which has spread to N. Ireland, France, and the Netherlands. Hundreds of thousands of animals have been destroyed in attempts to control the outbreak. Outbreaks have also been reported recently in Argentina, Bangladesh, and The Middle East.

What actions should take place to protect the US cattle herd?

The United States continuously maintains an active program to prevent the introduction of foot-and-mouth disease to the US cattle herd. These efforts have been strengthened since the outbreak in Europe. Travelers returning from countries with foot-and-mouth present a difficult to control risk for introduction of the virus into the US. Travelers entering through customs should comply with all requests and recommendations of USDA officials.

Do not try to sneak in meat or dairy products. Wash all clothes and wipe luggage and shoes with disinfectant solutions as directed. Travelers or their pets that have been on farms in countries with the disease should not visit US farms and ranches for at least one week. Veterinarians and cattle producers must remain vigilant for clinical signs consistent with foot-and-mouth and report any suspicions to USDA veterinarians immediately.
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About this blog

Disease of mouth is caused by an improper balance of bacteria within the mouth. There are good types of bacteria within the mouth, as well as bad, and whenever the balance of either bacterium is disrupted, an infection is more prone to occur. Infections may also occur due to oral contact with the bacteria, such as kissing an infected individual

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